Terms of Service

Customer agreement

A legal or physical person (hereinafter referred to as Customer) and a Core Solutions Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as CORE) represented by representative acting on a basis of a letter of attorney (hereinafter referred to as Parties) have agreed about the following:

1.1. According to Contract CORE will provide the Customer with Services (hereinafter called “Service”) and Customer will use the Service and pay according to Contract and Regulations.
1.2. The Service is provided according to Contract, Regulations and Pricelist which form an integral part of Contract.

2.1. Contract is a public contract-offer.
2.2. If Customer accepts credentials to access Service, or provides payment for the ordered services according to Regulations and Pricelist it shall constitute acceptance of the offer.
2.3. Acceptance of Contract by Customer means that the latter has been acquainted with the terms and conditions of Pricelist and Regulations.
2.4. Contract shall be considered concluded and shall come into force from the moment of connection of Customer to Service.

3.1. CORE undertakes:
3.1.1. To provide quality services according to Contract.
3.1.2. From the moment of conclusion of Contract to start providing the ordered services to Customer according to Section 2.4 and under condition of observance of the terms defined by Regulations.
3.1.3. To publish all amendments and changes made to Regulations and Pricelist on the Network site https://core.hosting not less than 30 days before the commencement of their validity.
3.1.4. To provide 24-hour daily services to Customer without interruptions, except for need to carry out the maintenance and repair works as well as for the reasons beyond CORE control.
3.2. Customer undertakes:
3.2.1. To fulfill the requirements stated in Contract and Regulations.
3.2.2. To pay invoices in due time or support positive balance of the personal account using CORE automatic payment system, in conformity with valid Pricelist.

4.1. Payment for the services under Contract is made on the basis of the invoice issued by CORE, or on the basis of an advance payment, depending on the chosen service and according to Regulation and Contract.
4.2. The cost of services provided under this Contract is defined in Pricelist.
4.3. Invoices are delivered to Customer by e-mail unless agreed otherwise.
4.4. If automatic registration and payment systems are used the invoice is generated on according step of the process of order.
4.5. In case of delay of payment Customer shall pay the penalty 0.5 % of the invoiced amount for every day of payment delay.
4.6. Customer shall pay for all expenses connected with repair of damages or malfunctions in the Network or the equipment if damages or malfunctions were caused due to Customer’s fault.
4.7. Customer shall pay for all the expenses regarding liquidation of his arrears.
4.8. Customer shall be responsible for accuracy of all payments.

5.1. For additional types of services not listed in Pricelist, but covered by this Contract, as well as under special conditions of performance of this Contract, Parties shall sign additional agreements which form an integral part of Contract. The duration and terms of performance of additional types of services and special conditions of performance of Contract are defined in the additional agreement of Parties.
5.2. In case of changes in legislation or tariffs, introductions or changes of other obligatory charges imposed on CORE as well as changes of price index on the territory of the Republic of Estonia CORE has the right to review Regulations and Pricelist with the notification sent to Customer as per Section 3.1.3 of this Contract.
5.3. Unless Customer agrees with the changes in Regulations or Pricelist, he has to notify CORE in writing within 15 days from the moment of receipt of the notice. In such case Customer can terminate Contract according to Section 7.2. The lack of written termination notice before the changes come in force is deemed to be the consent of Customer with new conditions of Regulations and Pricelist.
5.4. Customer and CORE undertake to provide confidentiality of the registration information of Customer (log-in name and the password). CORE is not responsible for the damage of any kind incurred to Customer due to disclosure by the latter of the registration information.
5.5. CORE shall not disclose information about Customer to any third parties except for cases where it is required under Estonian laws.
5.6. Disputes and disagreements between Parties, if any, shall be resolved by negotiations. Otherwise disputes are resolved in Tallinn City Court according to the laws of the Republic of Estonia.
5.7. Any earlier oral and written agreements become null and void if they contradict the present Contract.

6.1. For non-performance or inadequate performance of obligations under Contract CORE and Customer shall bear responsibility in accordance with terms and conditions of Contract, Regulations and current legislation of the Republic of Estonia.
6.2. Customer shall be responsible for contents of the information transferred by him or other party under his network requisites through the network: for its reliability, absence of claims of third parties and legitimacy of its distribution.
6.3. Customer is responsible for all his actions, or actions of third parties performed using requisites of Customer in the Internet or with the use of access to the Internet received under the present Contract, including but not limited to the damages to the individual persons or property of citizens, legal bodies or the state.
6.4. CORE reserves the right to temporarily stop providing the services to Customer in case of breach by Customer of the rules of work in the network, defined by Regulations.
6.5. CORE does not bear responsibility towards Customer for delays and interruptions in work not directly caused by CORE or by the actions of the latter.
6.6. CORE is not responsible for quality of communication lines organized by third parties.
6.7. CORE is responsible for impossibility of receipt by Customer of the ordered services only if this impossibility has been caused by CORE fault. Responsibility of CORE cannot exceed the amount equal to the cost of service according to Pricelist of CORE for the period Customer had no possibility to receive the given service.
6.8. CORE reserves the right to temporarily stop providing the services to Customer in case of failure to pay for the services actually rendered to him during the previous month.

7.1. To post or store any materials violating legislation of the Republic of Estonia and infringing rules and regulations of the European Union.
7.2. Publish or send any information or software that contains a computer “viruses,” “worms,” or able to disrupt the normal operation of the computers accessible over the network.
7.3. To make unauthorized and unsolicited e-mailing (SPAM), as well as send messages on bulletin boards, forums and websites using CORE services.
7.4. Publish information aimed at inciting ethnic hatred, as well as calling for violence or the overthrow of the current government.
7.5. To host phishing sites, and any other resources aimed at hacking or cheating visitors to gain access to their personal data.
7.6. Use CORE resources for direct or indirect copyright infringement.
7.7. To host any pornographic material involving underage persons, as well as models of looking younger than 18 years. Pornographic materials involving animals are not allowed as well.
7.8. Sale of goods and services, which is limited by the Estonian legislation. These products are tobacco, alcohol and medicaments.
7.9. Organization of online casinos and other gambling websites, except cases when the Client has all necessary licenses and permits for such activities on the territory of the Estonian Republic.

8.1. Contract can be terminated by either Party according to the terms and conditions stipulated in Contract and Regulations.
8.2. Contract can be terminated by Customer with 15 calendar days written notice to CORE.
8.3. CORE has the right to terminate Contract without notifying Customer on the basis of inadequate execution of conditions of Contract/Regulations by Customer.
8.4. The suspension of payment by Customer and delinquency for more than 1 (one) month without written notice to CORE about delay of performance of obligations under Contract by Customer is considered to be unilateral withdrawal from Contract and CORE shall have a right to terminate Contract.
8.5. CORE has the right to terminate Contract if Customer, at Contract conclusion, has provided the false or incorrect data.
8.6. In case of termination of Contract for other reasons the questions of recalculations and payments are solved by the mutual agreement of Parties.
8.7. Termination of Contract does not release Customer from obligation to pay the invoices and from the arrears for actually rendered services
8.8. Upon termination of Contract Customer undertakes to return to CORE any property rented from CORE.
8.9. Customer undertakes to pay a rent for the property provided by CORE until it is fully returned.
8.10. Contract made with Customer may be cancelled under request of a third party only where it is provided by law or according to a valid court ruling.

9.1. The parties are relieved from responsibility for full or partial failure to fulfill their obligations under Contract if such a failure was a consequence of force majeure circumstances including but not limited to acts of nature, epidemics, explosions, fires, orders of the local or state authorities, flood, strikes, cable or fiber cuts, lightning, prolonged general power outages, changes to the applicable laws and regulations, acts of governmental or military authorities, civil unrest, terrorism, war and other force majeure circumstances if the latter has directly affected the fulfillment of this Contract. Thus the date of fulfillment of the obligations under Contract is postponed in proportion to the period of time such circumstances took place. If such circumstances last more than three months either Party has the right to terminate Contract unilaterally. In this case neither Party will have right to claim the compensation of losses.

10.1. Parties are obliged to keep business and other secrets of the second half, except the cases if the provision is mandatory by law or other legal acts.
10.2. CORE is not forwarding or distributing to third parties any information about the Customers, including their personal data, except the cases where Customer has given its written consent to provide the data or obligation to do it comes from laws and other legal acts.
10.3. The above remains valid even after the termination of the Contract.

11.1. This Contract is concluded for unlimited period of time and can be terminated by either Party according to Section 7 of this Contract.
11.2. Contract remains in force in case of change of the requisites of Parties including but not limited to the change of the owner, the organizational and legal form, etc. In case of change of the requisites Parties must inform each other in 15 days period. Such information must be submitted by Customer to CORE in writing by e-mail or regular post. CORE shall post such information on its web site https://core.hosting.

Terms of The Server Services

    1. These General Terms of the Server Services shall apply to all the Service Contracts entered into for the use the Server Services provided by CORE.
    2. In addition to this, the General Terms of the Services of CORE apply to the Server Services to the extent that these General Terms of Server Services do not provide otherwise.
    1. The terms and definitions below have the following meaning in the General Terms of the Server Services:
      1. Physical Server — the server in the possession of CORE used for the provision of the Server Service to the Client and the hardware and software belonging to it, which can be accessed by the respective authorisation codes;
      2. Virtual Server — limited resource of one or more Physical Servers shared with the other clients of CORE, upon the use of which the Client can present the materials belonging to the Client. The definition “Virtual Server” also covers the limited resource of one or more Physical Servers allocated to the Client by CORE for sending and receiving e-mails;
      3. Server — Physical Server and/or Virtual Server.
    1. The Client is entitled to use the Server for storing the Client’s applications and materials and/or presenting thereof to the public, depending on the type of the Server Service even for creating and/or using e-mail address(es), sending and receiving e-mails, likewise in any other way, which complies with the description of the Server Service.
    2. The Client undertakes to make with sufficient frequency backup copies for himself of the files kept on the Server and keep the software installed by the Client updated in order to ensure its security.
    3. The Client is liable for the contents of the Server allocated to the Client. It is prohibited to post immoral or illegal information. The Client also undertakes not to disclose any materials on the Server or provide any services, which contradict the legislation or good practice or which violates the rights of any third persons. It is forbidden inter alia to use or distribute any media and software protected by copyright, if no required license exists for this purpose.
    4. The Client shall not use on the Server any software, scripts, programs or other applications, which burden, disturb or damage the normal operation of the Server, and undertakes to remove these at the latest within twelve (12) hours after submission of the respective message by CORE.
    5. The Client undertakes not to use such programs or applications on the Server, which enable the Internet users to send mass e-mails (junk mails), threatening, disparaging or misleading e-mails, and not to send such e-mails by himself. It is forbidden to provide such services from the Server (e.g., proxy, open DNS resolver, etc.) or use the Server for such activities, which can be regarded as attacks against third persons (incl. scanning of ports, computer networks and/or any inquiries burdening the equipment in these, etc.).
    6. CORE is entitled to issue mandatory precepts to the Client for the termination of any illegal activity relating to the use of the Server Service or activity violating the Contract Documents, incl. for removal of any illegal materials or materials contrary to good morals from the Server, likewise to remove such materials itself CORE shall reserve itself the right as the person holding the respective technical information to decide whether the activities of the Client are burdening, disturbing, damaging the Server or not, and thus to suspend the service to the Client in case of need by reasoning its decision to the Clien
    1. The Virtual Server Service is a Server Service, in case of which the Client gets into its use a Virtual Server according to the package chosen by the Client for the administration of the domain name registered to the Client.
    2. The Virtual Server Service allows to create, administer and use e-mail addresses, which are based on the domain name associated with the Service. The number thereof, e-mailbox capacity, and other parameters depend on the package chosen by the Client. Detailed information about the Virtual Server Service is available at https://core.hosting/.
    3. The Virtual Server Service Contract is entered into for an unspecified term.
    4. The Client is entitled to cancel the Virtual Server Service Contract at any time without applying the term for advance notice provided by the General Conditions of CORE.
    5. The liability of CORE upon providing the Virtual Server Service is limited to the cost of the Service during one month.
    6. The Client can get help upon the use of the Virtual Server Service from the CORE website at https://core.hosting/ or by e-mail address: help@core.eu.
    1. For the purpose of providing stable Server Service, CORE shall maintain the Server regularly. CORE shall notify the Client of any scheduled Server maintenance and improvement works, which may disturb the ordinary use of the Server Service, at least five (5) calendar days in advance. In urgent cases maintenance works configuration changes are done without notifying the Client in advance
    2. CORE shall repair any Server failures within a reasonable time, but not later than within three (3) working days.
    3. CORE shall make backup copies of the materials of the Client regularly, but does not ensure the preservation of the materials..
    1. CORE is entitled to immediately suspend the provision of the Server Service to the Client if:
      1. the software, scripts, or other applications used by the Client cause failures on/of the Server, cause overloads, or hinder CORE in any other way upon provision of the services;
      2. Internet attacks are aimed at the Client (incl. denial-of-service attacks, i.e. DoS and DdoS attacks);
      3. The client, through his actions, generates a load on the Internet channel, processor, memory, disk and other shared resources;
      4. The Client does not comply with the precept of CORE referred in section “Use of Service” above.
    1. CORE shall not be liable for any loss caused by:
      1. Failures caused by any software used by the Client on the Server;
      2. Acts or omissions of the Client upon administration of the Server, incl. the contents of the materials kept and published by the Client on the Server, or e-mails sent by the Client or under the addresses belonging to the Client in the course of using the Server Service;
      3. Potential interruptions, Internet attacks (incl. denial-of-service attacks, i.e. DoS and DdoS attacks) arising from any load and/or failures caused by third persons to the Server;
      4. Spread of viruses.
    2. The Client shall indemnify for any loss, which arose in connection with any damage to the Server caused by the software or application used by the Client, or hindering the operation of CORE thereby in any other illegal manner, provided CORE has previously warned against such activity. In case the activity of the Client upon damaging the Server is intentional, the Client shall be liable regardless of any warning by CORE.
    1. CORE shall send a message to the Client 30 days prior to the expiry of the term of the Service Contract specifying the opportunity to extend it. Upon expiry of the Service Contract, CORE shall preserve the account name and the materials of the Client there for 30 days, allowing the Client to make a copy thereof.

Terms of Domain Services

    1. These General Terms of Domain Services shall be applied to all the Service Contracts entered into for the use of the Domain Services provided by CORE.
    2. In addition to this, the General Terms of the CORE Services apply to the Domain Services to the extent these General Terms of Domain Services do not provide otherwise.
  2. TERMS
    1. The below terms and definitions are used in the following meaning in the General Terms of Domain Services:
      1. Domain Name – second or third level domain name, which registration or extension of registration has been applied for by the Client from CORE and with regard to which CORE provides the Domain Service;
      2. Registration – right registered to the End User to use the Domain Name for a specified term or without a term;
      3. Rules – binding instructions, terms and conditions, procedures, etc. established by the Register and (in case CORE acts as a Reseller) a third person Registrar, which the Parties must adhere to upon registration and use of a Domain Name;
      4. Register – a person or organization that administers the Registrations of the respective top or second level domains;
      5. Registrar – any person or organization to whom the Register has authorized the registration of a particular second or third level domain name into the use of the End User;
      6. Reseller – any person or organization that has not been respectively authorized by the Register but that has entered into a respective reseller agreement with the Registrar for the registration of domains into the use of End Users;
      7. End User – a Client or any other person into whose use or to whose name the Domain Name is registered;
      8. Domain Contract – Service Contract for the registration of the Domain Name or periodic extension of the Registration.
    1. A Domain Contract is deemed to have been entered into and shall enter into force when the Client has paid for the Registration (if the respective Domain Service is provided for a charge).
    2. An application for the extension of the Registration shall be handled as a new order and it shall be fulfilled in compliance with the same procedure as in case of entry into a new Domain Contract, incl. the payment is made for the new period of the Domain Service.
    1. The Client represents and warrants upon entry into the Domain Contract and extension of the Registration that:
      1. prior to entry into the Domain Contract the Client has examined the Rules and the Price List of the particular Domain Service;
      2. when the Client registers the Domain Name in the name of a third person End User, the Client confirms the existence of full powers for the representation of the End User and the adherence by the End User to the Rules and the applicable terms and conditions of CORE for the use of the Services, remaining responsible for the operation of the End User;
    1. The object of the Domain Contract is the legal relationship arising between the Parties in connection with the registration of the Domain Name and extension of the Registration.
    2. The objective of the Domain Contract is to ensure the registration of the Domain Name of interest into the use of the End User, and regular extension of the Registration.
    3. The Domain Contract shall create no independent rights for the End User to the Domain Name.
    4. Upon registration of the Domain Name, rights and obligations relating to the use of the Domain Name shall arise between the End User and the Register, and in case CORE acts as the Reseller even between the End User and the Registrar.
    5. The service provided by CORE according to the contract covers the filling of the Domain Name registration application and reminding the Client of and providing the opportunity to extend the Registration. The Client shall grant all the powers to CORE for representing the End User upon entry into the contract with the Register or third person Registrar. Depending of the domain, CORE may act as a Registrar or Reseller upon registering the Domain Name for the End User. In case of acting as a Reseller, the Rules of the third party Registrar shall apply to the use of the Domain Name, and these are referred to in the General Conditions of the Domain Services.
    6. The Client can get help upon the use of the Domain Service on the website of CORE at https://core.hosting or by email info@core.eu.
    1. The following rules shall be applied to top-level domains:
      7. General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for the registration and administration of domain names under the domain “.ch” and “.li”
      8. .is top-level domain naming policy
    1. Registrant Educational Materials for generic TLD domain registration (.ASIA, .BIZ, .COM, .INFO, .MOBI, .NAME, .NET, .ORG, .PRO, .TEL, .XXX)
    2. Registrants’ Benefits and Responsibilities
    1. Unless the Special Conditions of the Domain Services provide otherwise, the price of the Domain Service according to the Price List also includes the fee payable upon the registration of the Domain Name to the Register or the Registrar.
    2. Upon expiry or unilateral termination of the Domain Contract the Client shall pay CORE for the services actually provided by the latter.
    1. CORE undertakes:
      1. To submit an application for the registration of the Domain Name into the use of the End User with the data, which the Client has disclosed to CORE upon entry into the Domain Contract (incl. desirable Domain Name, registration term);
      2. To notify the Client at least 30 days prior to the end of the registration term of the opportunity to extend the Registration;
    2. The Client undertakes:
      1. To pay for the Domain Service according to the Price List, incl. if so provided by the Special Conditions of the Domain Services, to pay in addition to the fee even all the taxes, state fees, and other charges, which are related to the registration of the Domain Name into the use of the End User by CORE and/or extension of the Registration;
      2. To ensure that the Domain Name is not contradicting the legislation or good morals and does not violate the rights of any third persons (incl. right to any trade mark);
      3. To ensure adherence with the Rules established on the use of the Domain Name;
      4. In case of an intention to extent the Registration, to execute a respective order and settle the associated prepayment invoice in such a manner that it would be received at the latest two (2) working days prior to the expiry of the Registration.
    1. CORE is not liable for any activities of the Register or third person Registrar, incl. for the performance of the contract between the Register, Registrar and End User.
    2. CORE neither distributes Domain Names nor can ensure the registration of any Domain Name into the use of the End User, or continuing of the Registration.
    3. The liability of CORE upon registration of the Domain Name is limited to its activities as the mandatory upon representation of the End User.
    4. CORE is not liable for the legality of the use of the Domain Name upon registration of the Domain. CORE shall inter alia bear no liability for any inability to provide the Service, which is caused by acts or omissions of any third persons.
    5. The liability of CORE upon the provision of the Service is limited to the annual value of the Service.
    1. The contract shall expire upon the expiry of the Registration.

Delivery Policy

The services will be provided to you upon receipt of payment for your order in accordance with the terms applicable to the services you purchased. The nature of the services you purchased and the date of your purchase may affect the timing of the services.

Refund Policy

Domain services

There are no refunds on domain services. The money- back guarantee does not apply to domain services.

Shared Hosting, VPS/VDS Services

If you are not completely satisfied with these hosting services and you terminate your account, you will be given a refund of the amount that left unused. This policy only applies to fees paid for hosting services and does not apply to any fees for any additional products or services. The unused money will not be returned if server IP(s) are blacklisted as a result of the activities of the customer.

Dedicated Servers

There are no refunds on dedicated servers. The money- back guarantee does not apply to dedicated servers.

Colocation services

There are no refunds on colocation services. The money- back guarantee does not apply to colocation services.

SSL certificates and other web security products

A 30 Day Money Back Guarantee is included on all Symantec™, GeoTrust®, Thawte®, RapidSSL®, Certum®, and Comodo® SSL certificates and other web security products. In the event you are not satisfied with the product and/or the service did not meet your expectations, simply locate the order in question and click Cancel either in your Total Order List, Order Detail Page, or Certificate Options Tab and select the appropriate reason.

Please be advised, store credit can be processed instantly, but a refund typically takes 48-72 hours to process.

Any product that’s successfully cancelled must not be in use and must be un-installed and/or revoked. Core Solutions reserves the right to refuse to cancel and/or refund any order that is still in use, not un-installed, and/or not revoked. We guarantee the quality of all our SSL products with a full replacement, refund or store credit of anything you order from our website or by any other means within 30 days of original purchase.

Non-refundable Products and Services

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, there are no refunds of any fee (including without limitation, administrative fee and/or tax) on dedicated servers, or additional products or services such as, install fees for custom software, and/or any other products or services.

Any service that break usage rules described in TOS will be suspended without a refund.

Privacy Policy and security

When ordering a Core service and using the service, it is designed at every step for customer safety. Accordingly, we have developed the following privacy policy principles for collecting, storing, using and publishing customer data. Core Solutions OÜ operates in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Estonia and European Union legislation.

Collection of personal data

Personal data is the information that Core collects to contact customers and fulfill orders. The data is intended and necessary for the correct execution of the customer’s order. Data security is guaranteed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Orders can only be made through a registered client account. When registering for a customer account, we store account holder’s name, business name (if a business acount), postal address, postal code, telephone number and email address.

For Domain and SSL certificates orders, a customer may be asked to provide the following information: name, personal identification code, date of birth, postal address, postal code, telephone number and e-mail address.

Core does not share or disclose personal information to third parties, unless it is necessary to complete a customer order (for example, transferring domain owner information to the TLD from domain name registration).

Core uses customer contact information to only provide information about the service. Contact details are not forwarded to third parties for marketing activities.

Use of personal data

The collected personal data is used to communicate with the client (announcements about service changes, payment of services). The address data stored by the customer is automatically used as an invoice address. Customers have the right to opt-out from newsletters sent by Core.

Collected personal data is used to complete domain and SSL certificate orders by automatically transferring them to registry or a Certification Center using secure communication channels. Domain owner information is generally public in different registries.

Changing personal data

The customer can access the stored information on the https://my.core.hosting/ client area, in the left-hand section of the “Your Info” button, the “Update” button. The customer can independently modify all data.

The customer has the right to delete it’s account with the data stored there after the active services expire.

Protection of personal data

Core Solutions OÜ has taken all precautionary measures to protect customers’ personal data and other data. Access to data processing, editing and recording is restricted to authorized and personally trained personnel. Data processing is protected by technological and administrative measures.

Core will not provide third parties with any personal data about customers, except in cases arising from law.

Credit card details

Core does not see or store customer card details when paying by credit card. In order to execute the transaction, the client is directed to the secured environment of the payment processor and at the time of payment it will enter its data directly on the payment processor’s page.


The connection and data transfer between core.hosting and the client computer are carried out via the SSL protocol, the same applies to data connections for banks and credit card environments. All personal data is treated as confidential.